Hi All
The LWP/Mardi Gras 2014 season is open for business! I hope everyone is excited about making this year's parade entry even more fabulous that last year (hard to imagine, I know!). As we all appreciate though, these things cost $$, and so we need to start getting ourselves organised.
This year we are mixing up some of the fundraising events -- and have added a bit of an incentive to come along and help out. We'll be progressively rolling these out, but the first one is BINGAY!
As you might recall, in years leading up to last year, LWP helps out ACON for the Mardi Gras Bingay. This is usually a huge success and we make a good deal of $$ to subsidise the cost of putting on the best float in Mardi Gras. This year, we are doing things a bit differently: ACON and LWP are joining forces over four weeks - 5, 12, 19 and 26 November - to co-host Bingay. Half the door takings are coming our way, so it is really important we support it. The good news (for some), is that we don't need too many volunteers - just 2-3 per night to work the door. What we do need though is bums on seats and some great prizes to offer.
We urgently need to lock down some prizes - anything beach/summer themed would be great. Do you work at a hotel? or a restaurant? or could offer some other service/goods? We would love to hear from you. ACON will be publicising the events from October in the gay press and through social media, and the prizes are a draw card (ie publicity for donors!)
We will also need to boost up numbers and so, I would encourage you to consider which of the nights you might consider hosting a few of your friends for a really fun night. Doors open at 7, and we will be all done by 10pm - Midnight Shift. $20 entry.
OK - and here's the kicker. For each fundraising "event" you attend (in this case, as a host of at least a few people), we will deduct $10 from your entry for the 2014 parade. YES, we are bribing you... This will also be the case for future fundraising events.
Can you email me to confirm what you can help with:
1) Volunteering on the night(s); and/or
2) Hosting a table; and/or
3) Donating prizes.
Closer to the time, I will send you the link to organise tickets.
Hope everyone is excited about the upcoming Summer (with days like today, it's no wonder we're lifesavers!) and the 2014 Mardi Gras!
Lifesavers with Pride Committee
Grant, Nick (0400015187), Tuscan, Gerard, Gary, Steph, Rodrigo, Orlando & Claire
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