Your Lifesavers with Pride Committee would like to wish you
a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2011!
a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2011!
Warmest of wishes from Mark, Michael, Jono, Christine, Gary, Nick and Stephen!
Lifesavers with Pride Members Update - December 2010
The Year in Review
- 2010 Mardi Gras Parade - the most successful parade entry yet by LWP. Judges' Choice Award! Well done guys! Our huge Reel was our first time to use a HUGE home-made prop and boy was it a hit!
- Tamarama Beach BBQ - our first ever Mardi Gras Festival Event! A great success down at the Tama club and beach.
- MG Wrap-up Party - fantastic way to wrap up a fun few weeks and watch our DVD. Cover controversy - which one did you choose?
- Mouth-to-Mouth at the Oxford - LWP goes into dance party mode with a fun night for all at the Oxford Underground. Looks to become an annual event.
- SOS Start of Summer at the Beresford - what an amazing way to kick start summer at Sydney's most happening Sunday session. Most successful fund-raising and publicity event to date! Incredible prizes awarded from many generous sponsors! Let's make this a yearly event.
- Lifesavers with Pride "Inc." - Yes, we're incorporated - LWP goes all legal and professional. Gives our group an important structure to run properly. More details to follow soon.
- Mardi Gras Fair Day - Lifesavers with Pride stall will help promote becoming lifesavers and our diversity
- Mouth to Mouth "2" at the Oxford - Another round of our high-profile Lifesavers with Pride event
- Mardi Gras Beach BBQ and Carnival - Back for a second year, this is on before the Parade weekend - so a great chance to get together
- Big Beach Bingay at Paddo RSL - A high-profile charity event where we get to do our bit to help out
- We want you marching with us! Watch out for an email detailing the sign-up process.
- Jono (our Creative Director - think "Reel" and "music") is already going over themes for our float this year - another "centre piece" - ideas are bouncing around. Have some ideas? Email info@lifesaverswithpride.com
- Your committee met with Parade Director Ignatius Jones to hear about his grand plans for overhauling the parade and making it into a grand theatrical event that has both messages and entertains from start to finish. Ignatius is an entertainment industry veteran. Expect amazing things!
- Laurence Stark has agreed to be our Choreographer again for 2011 and teach us how to dance, prance and romance!
- We are looking forward to you being a BIG part of our best ever Mardi Gras! Get ready to "Say Something".
See you on the beach!
Lifesavers with Pride Committee
Mark, Michael, Jono, Christine, Gary, Nick and Stephen
Lifesavers with Pride Incorporated in NSW
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