Our kind sponsor aussieBum is making Lifesavers with Pride a special run of swimwear for our Mardi Gras 2011 lifesaver participants.

Size is EVERYTHING! We only want to see smiles of joy on your faces, and not of pain or discomfort because you ended-up with the WRONG size swimwear.
We are especially keen that all of our female lifesavers are comfortable in what they will wear!
Please help us help you find the right size. Come try the samples on!
Sample FEMALE (Tops & Bottoms) and MALE (Only Bottoms ;-) will be available at:
- Look for Michael Mellon or other LWP reps that look like offering swimwear try-ons
- 1) North Bondi SLSC clubhouse front steps
- TIME #1 - 9:00 - 10:00 Saturday morning, 22nd January (this Saturday)
- TIME #2 - Afternoon-time-to-be-decided, Wednesday, 26th January (Australia Day)
- 2) City Location - to be agreed - please email Michael at mmellon@bigpond.net.au
- TIME #3 - 17:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 25th January (before Australia Day)
Email questions about swimwear to info@lifesaverswithpride.com
It's going to be a amazing parade!
Lifesavers with Pride
Management Committee
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