Wednesday, June 10, 2015

REMINDER: LwP AGM at the Parade DVD Launch this Sunday

Hi all

Our AGM will also be held this Sunday from 2pm at North Bondi SLSC, it will be quick and painless, and if anyone want to nominate to join the Committee for 2015/16 please put your hand up.


LWP Committee

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

REMINDER: Parade DVD Launch this Sunday

Hi all

Release of our 2015 Parade DVD is to be held this Sunday June 14 @ 2pm.

Venue will be North Bondi Surf Club - we will have food and the bar will be open!

Also if you want to nominate to join the Committee for 2015/16, in whatever capcity suits, please be in touch.

LWP Committee

The national group of gay and lesbian Australian surf lifesavers and their friends